Hallux Limitus Treatment
In Miami, Surfside, FL

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What Is Hallux Limitus? Miami Feet Banner

What Is Hallux Limitus?

Hallux limitus is a condition that affects the big toe joint (metatarsophalangeal joint). It is caused by arthritis or overuse, which limits motion and causes pain in that area. The cartilage in the joint wears down, and the bones rub together, causing stiffness and low shock absorption. As the condition progresses, bone spurs or osteophytes may also develop, further limiting motion. These changes can make walking, running, and other activities painful. In general, this degenerative joint disease may seriously reduce quality of life and cause a lot of discomfort.
Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Arthritis is an inflammation of joints that may take many forms. In the ankle, arthritis pain is usually caused by degenerative joint disease, which wears away cartilage and bone. This causes stiffness, swelling, and throbbing aches in the joint, especially when walking or moving. There are two major types of arthritis that affect the ankle: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both of them reduce joint mobility and require proper care to avoid serious complications.

Tendonitis is characterized by the inflammation of a tendon, often resulting from overuse injuries or muscle imbalances. In the ankle, this condition causes sharp pain along the affected area, especially when using the tendon to walk or move. The aches usually start gradually and worsen over time. There are five types of tendonitis in this body area:

  • Achilles tendonitis (inflammation of Achilles tendon)

  • Peroneal tendonitis (affects the tendons that run along the outside of the ankle and foot)

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon that runs inside of the ankle)

  • Anterior tibial tendonitis (pain along the front of the ankle)

  • Flexor tendonitis (affects the inner side of the ankle) 

Ankle sprains are stretches and tears of ankle ligaments, often caused by sudden twists, rolls, or blows to the joint. These injuries cause immediate sharp pain, swelling, and instability in that zone. Aches often continue for weeks after the initial damage, especially when bearing weight. Thus, a sprained ankle can cause serious discomfort.
Ankle fractures are cracks or complete breaks in one of the ankle bones, usually caused by high-impact injuries. They cause sudden, severe pain and an inability to bear weight. There may be swelling, bruising, and obvious deformity of the ankle.
In general, bursitis is the inflammation of bursa sacs near joints. It may occur in the retrocalcaneal bursa behind the heel bones in the ankle joints. The pain is often described as a dull ache that worsens with pressure, long periods on the feet, or ankle motion.

The Main Symptoms of Hallux Limitus

The Main Symptoms of Hallux Limitus Banner
* These sensations only occur when weight pressure is applied to the foot, such as when walking or stepping. In a non-weight-bearing examination, the motion in the big toe joint is usually normal.
Types of Hallux Limitus Miami Feet Banner

Types of Hallux Limitus

Functional Hallux Limitus

Functional hallux limitus occurs when the tissues surrounding the joint become irritated or inflamed. This could be due to overuse from certain activities or wearing improper footwear. With functional hallux limitus, the joint itself is structurally normal, but pain and inflammation limit its movement. Some of the common treatments include rest, ice, medication, orthotics, and modifying activities that contribute to the irritation. If caught early, functional hallux limitus can be healed with simple therapy.

Structural hallux limitus refers to a mechanical blockage within the big toe joint that physically prevents a normal range of motion. This is caused by deep changes and damage over time, such as arthritis, bone spurs, joint cartilage reduction, or loose particles within the joint. These physical transformations mean that the joint literally cannot move in its normal range. 

Structural hallux limitus is treated by surgically removing the elements that impede movement. Several types of operations may restore stability and maximal range of motion to prevent this condition from appearing again. Because structural changes are irreversible without surgery, it is crucial to address them as soon as possible to avoid complications in the future.

If left untreated, hallux limitus may progress to a more complicated form, called hallux rigidus, which is characterized by a dramatic reduction in motion or complete immobility (not being able to move) of the big toe joint. As the condition advances, bone spurs may also develop, and the joint may become arthritic. It can severely limit the ability to walk or participate in activities that require full motion of the big toe.

Treatment options depend on the severity. In mild cases, shoe modifications, orthotics, medications, or injections can help to manage symptoms. Patients with moderate hallux rigidus usually require surgery. It can involve removing the arthritic bone and osteophytes (bone spurs) to improve mobility. In severe cases, joint fusion or joint replacement may be necessary.

Getting an early diagnosis and promptly starting appropriate treatment is important to stop the progression of hallux rigidus. It can help to avoid permanent loss of motion and disability. Maintaining an optimal body weight and wearing proper footwear may also reduce the risk of further damage.

Hallux Limitus Treatment

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics (shoe inserts) can be an effective treatment for Hallux limitus. These shoe inserts are specially molded to match the contours of an individual’s feet. The custom fit helps to control the motion and alignment of the big toe joint. Orthotics may also be designed with a hole or space under the area of the first metatarsal bone (at the foundation of the toe) to relieve pressure on that sore spot. 

Shoe inserts can help to restore normal functioning and reduce pain by controlling alignment, motion, and pressure on the toe joint. If worn regularly, they may also slow the progression of negative changes. Custom orthotics are more likely to effectively treat hallux limitus than generic drugstore inserts that are not tailored to an individual’s feet. Orthotics work by addressing the underlying biomechanical causes behind this frustrating and potentially damaging toe condition.

Custom Orthotics Miami Feet Banner

MLS laser therapy involves using a low-level laser beam to deliver light energy to the affected joint. This type of treatment can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the joint, stimulate healing, and improve the range of motion. For hallux limitus specifically, the laser is focused on the big toe joint to target the damaged cartilage and bone spurs causing the stiff, painful motion. The light beam helps to activate cell repair processes and blood flow to the area to promote natural healing. MLS laser sessions are non-invasive, and patients simply sit while the laser probe is applied to the treatment area for a set length of time. Multiple sessions are usually needed for the best results. Such therapy can be an effective option for managing this troublesome foot condition.

MLS (Multiwave Locked System) Laser Therapy Miami Feet Banner

Soundwave therapy is being explored as a new treatment for hallux limitus. This procedure uses acoustic sound waves that are focused on the joint in the big toe to promote healing. They are transmitted through a special device. The waves may help to trigger the body’s healing response and reduce inflammation in the joint that causes stiffness and soreness. Research shows that this non-invasive treatment can relieve pain and improve motion in the big toe joint. The advantage of this kind of therapy is that it does not require hospitalization or extensive recovery time.

Soundwave Therapies Miami Feet Banner
Dr. Curson uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to treat hallux limitus and many other foot and ankle conditions. PRP is made from a patient’s own blood, which contains growth factors that can help tissues heal. To administer this treatment, a doctor draws the blood, processes it in a centrifuge to concentrate the healing factors, and injects the PRP into the painful joint. The injection introduces growth factors to the area, reducing inflammation and stimulating the healing of the damaged joint tissues.
PRP Injections Miami Feet Banner
Keeping the feet healthy can help to manage hallux limitus. Simple things like wearing properly fitting shoes with a wide toe box, stretching the feet and toes regularly, using shoe inserts, icing sore spots after activity, and doing foot exercises to increase flexibility and range of motion can all make a difference. Massaging the feet, soaking them in warm water with Epsom salts, wearing shoe pads or cushions, avoiding high heels, and doing activities that put too much pressure on the big toe joint can also be helpful. While surgery or injections may still be needed in some cases, many patients find that they can reduce pain and stiffness from hallux limitus with basic foot care and supportive shoes or devices. The goal is to give the joint more mobility and take pressure off the inflamed area, providing symptom relief.
General Foot Care Miami Feet Banner

Cheilectomy is a surgery that can be used to treat hallux limitus. It removes the bone spurs and a portion of the joint to improve its mobility. After a cheilectomy, patients often regain the ability to bend their big toe up and walk normally. While recovery takes a few months, this surgery is an effective option for reducing pain and restoring movement in the joint, especially when more conservative treatments have not worked. The procedure is done under anesthesia, and patients will need to avoid putting weight on the toe for some time after the operation.

During an osteotomy, the surgeon makes a cut in one of the bones that meet to form the painful arthritic joint in order to realign it. In this way, the pressure is taken off the arthritic area, so the patient experiences less rubbing and pain. The bone is then stabilized in the new position with screws or plates while it heals. After an osteotomy and healing period, patients can move their toes more easily and walk with less pain. While recovery takes a few months, an osteotomy may significantly improve mobility and quality of life.
Arthroplasty can be an effective treatment option for some patients with hallux limitus. This surgery aims to restore motion and relieve pain by reshaping the joint so that the bones can move past one another more freely. The procedure involves removing any spurs or arthritic buildup within the damaged joint. The surgeon may also realign the joint and implant new artificial surfaces to allow for smoother motion. This can help to restore an individual’s ability to walk, balance, and participate in recreational activities without chronic discomfort. As with any surgery, results depend greatly on the patient’s age, medical history, and degree of joint damage. For some people with advanced hallux limitus, arthroplasty may provide lasting pain relief and functional improvements.

During arthrodesis, also known as fusion surgery, the joint surfaces are prepared by removing any remaining cartilage until the bones are exposed on both sides. The bones are then held in place with screws, plates, or wires and fused together. This eliminates the painful motion between them. 

Fusion surgery reduces pain and stiffness in the big toe joint, allowing patients to walk and move more comfortably again. While the toe no longer bends after the operation, it provides significant pain relief because the joint is stabilized and does not cause any problems. Healing requires about 6-12 weeks, and most patients have minimal restrictions in activities after surgery.

Surgeries Miami Feet Banner
Recovery After Hallux Limitus Treatment Miami Feet Banner

Recovery After Hallux Limitus Treatment

Recovery from hallux limitus depends on the type of treatment used. In general, it involves resting, icing, and elevating the foot to reduce pain and inflammation. Patients may need to use crutches or a protective boot initially to avoid bearing weight on the foot. As pain and swelling subside, they transition to gentle stretches and exercises to regain flexibility and strength. Later phases of recovery emphasize normalizing gait patterns and restoring function. The time that is needed for healing varies depending on the severity of the condition and the procedures performed. It can take several weeks or months. During this period, patients work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper healing.
Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Arthritis is an inflammation of joints that may take many forms. In the ankle, arthritis pain is usually caused by degenerative joint disease, which wears away cartilage and bone. This causes stiffness, swelling, and throbbing aches in the joint, especially when walking or moving. There are two major types of arthritis that affect the ankle: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both of them reduce joint mobility and require proper care to avoid serious complications.

Tendonitis is characterized by the inflammation of a tendon, often resulting from overuse injuries or muscle imbalances. In the ankle, this condition causes sharp pain along the affected area, especially when using the tendon to walk or move. The aches usually start gradually and worsen over time. There are five types of tendonitis in this body area:

  • Achilles tendonitis (inflammation of Achilles tendon)

  • Peroneal tendonitis (affects the tendons that run along the outside of the ankle and foot)

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon that runs inside of the ankle)

  • Anterior tibial tendonitis (pain along the front of the ankle)

  • Flexor tendonitis (affects the inner side of the ankle) 

Ankle sprains are stretches and tears of ankle ligaments, often caused by sudden twists, rolls, or blows to the joint. These injuries cause immediate sharp pain, swelling, and instability in that zone. Aches often continue for weeks after the initial damage, especially when bearing weight. Thus, a sprained ankle can cause serious discomfort.
Ankle fractures are cracks or complete breaks in one of the ankle bones, usually caused by high-impact injuries. They cause sudden, severe pain and an inability to bear weight. There may be swelling, bruising, and obvious deformity of the ankle.
In general, bursitis is the inflammation of bursa sacs near joints. It may occur in the retrocalcaneal bursa behind the heel bones in the ankle joints. The pain is often described as a dull ache that worsens with pressure, long periods on the feet, or ankle motion.

Candidates for Hallux Limitus Treatment

Benefits of Hallux Limitus Treatment

Reduced Pain and Inflammation

Hallux limitus may cause significant pain and inflammation in the big toe. Treating this…

condition provides substantial relief and reduces swelling around the joint. Techniques like joint mobilization and anti-inflammatory medications target these symptoms and help to achieve impressive results. Over time, the inflammation can be brought fully under control.

Improved Mobility

Limited mobility in the big toe joint is a primary symptom of hallux limitus. Treatment…

helps to restore normal motion and flexibility in this area. As mobility is improved, it becomes easier to walk, run, jump, and go up and down stairs. Daily activities no longer trigger pain and discomfort.

Long-Term Joint Protection

Leaving hallux limitus untreated can cause permanent damage and arthritis in the big…

toe joint. Effective therapy protects the joint’s health over time. It prevents bony deformities from worsening and makes it possible to avoid invasive surgery later on. Keeping the joint stable and mobile can stop hallux limitus progression.

Cost of Hallux Limitus Treatment in Miami

The cost of hallux limitus treatment in Surfside and Miami ranges from $500 to $5,000. The price varies depending on the severity of the condition and the type of intervention needed. Less invasive procedures, like orthotics and anti-inflammatory medication, tend to be cheaper, while surgery is more expensive. Prices are also impacted by the experience level of the podiatrist performing the treatment. More seasoned specialists often charge higher fees. The location of the clinic and the type of facility can also affect pricing. However, our patients do not have to deal with all of this complexity because Miami Feet combines all of the best characteristics – a podiatrist with 40+ years of experience, a convenient location, and affordable prices.
The best way to get an exact price estimate for hallux limitus treatment is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Curson. He carefully evaluates each case, recommends different options, and provides accurate financial information based on the patient’s insurance coverage. This personal consultation allows us to give people the best care for their needs at very competitive prices.
What Makes Our Hallux Limitus Treatment Different From Others? Banner

What Makes Our Hallux Limitus Treatment Different From Others?

Over 40 Years of Specialized Experience
Dr. Gary Curson has over 40 years of experience treating ankle and foot conditions, such as hallux limitus. His extensive expertise allows him to use effective and innovative therapies and surgery techniques that are tailored to each patient’s needs.
Dr. Curson uses the latest advancements in podiatry to treat hallux limitus. He always ensures that patients get the best possible outcomes with our up-to-date technology and methods.
With his holistic approach, Dr. Curson develops customized treatment plans for each hallux limitus patient. This personalized care makes people satisfied and helps them recover more quickly.
As a professor and faculty member at two medical institutions, Dr. Curson stays current on the latest hallux limitus research and techniques. He uses this knowledge to improve patient outcomes. Dr. Curson’s dedication to quality, safety, and effectiveness sets him apart as a remarkable specialist who can provide the best results for each patient.

Our Happy Patients

Sprained Ankle
There are doctors who talk and those who help you walk again pain free. Doctor Curson is among the latter breed. I limped in with a sprained ankle approaching the size of a grapefruit and in pain. An hour later, I was walking normally having had X-rays, a shot, and a laser treatment. If you are in the Bal Harbour, Surfside or Bay Harbor area, don't bother with anyone else. The entire staff is efficient and dedicated. He followed up with me as well. Caroljean Kier
Caroljean K.
Planter Faciatis
Dr. Curson offers a full array of noninvasive treatments for Achilles strains and Planter Faciatis. After 3 months of care with another podiatrist I experienced pain without improvement. I went to Dr. Curson. The results have been excellent. The office staff is friendly, responsive, and competent.
Steve S.
Foot Pain
My experience with Dr. Curson and his staff was excellent. I've been dealing with foot pain for over 6 months and after implementing his treatments my pain has decreased significantly. He fitted me for custom made orthotics (shoe inserts) and after a week of wearing them the pain in my left foot is practically gone. As I wear them more I'm confident I will be able to take long walks again. Without hesitation I recommend Dr. Curson if you have foot issues or pain.
Henny R.
Laser treatment for ankle sprain
Amazing doctor and amazing staff, very friendly and they take the time to know your history and seek the best treatment possible for your specific case. I decided to give them my full confidence for a chronic ankle sprain that just wouldn't go away. The laser treatment was really helpful and they did a set of custom orthotics that are really much better than the off-the-shelf stuff and others I had made before.
Peggy P.
Laser treatment for nail fungus
Amazing experience with Dr. Curson and his office staff. I had 2 issues, pain in my foot from stepping on an object that seemed to be lodged in there somewhere, AND, terrible nail fungus from years and years of cycling and running. Dr. Curson dislodged the object in my foot and treated the nail fungus with a special laser. After the first treatment it was more that 50% better, i can't wait for the 2nd one, I can feel the difference in my nails. Fantastic office and staff and doctor... go see him!
Michael Eisenstadt
Foot pain
My experience with Dr. Curson and his staff was excellent. I've been dealing with foot pain for over 6 months and after implementing his treatments my pain has decreased significantly. He fitted me for custom made orthotics (shoe inserts) and after a week of wearing them the pain in my left foot is practically gone. As I wear them more I'm confident I will be able to take long walks again. Without hesitation I recommend Dr. Curson if you have foot issues or pain.
Henny Rojas
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